Gen Z: Winning the next generation's loyalty

  • Understanding your future customers is key to winning their hearts and wallets

  • Location: Virtual
  • Date: Friday, April 5, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Show in my timezone
Natasha Lainsbury, Content Executive, Dotdigital
Natasha Lillibury

Senior Content Marketer

Gaby Orlich

Commercial Account Executive

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As Gen Z grows up, so does their buying power – with $450bn in their pockets and their age range making up 32% of the global population, it’s crucial that brands cater to Gen Zers.

Join our experts as we dive deep into what makes the next generation tick, and how brands can win the loyalty of this fickle generation.

We’ll discuss:

  • What Gen Z’s distrust in brands means for your strategy
  • How to align your brand with Gen Z’s values
  • Tactics for winning over the most discerning audience yet
  • Examples from brands that are winning with the young market

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