dotdigital News Center – Dotdigital Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:18:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 dotdigital News Center – Dotdigital 32 32 dotdigital is now ISO 27701 certified Fri, 23 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000

So, what is ISO 27701?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent organization that sets global standards in areas such as security, safety, and quality. As the name suggests, its goal is to define standards for best practices that can be implemented, irrespective of an organization’s size, type, or location. ISO 27701 is the international standard-setting out best practice for a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS). It’s an extension to the ISO 27001 standard, which dotdigital became certified to in Summer 2020.  It’s designed to help organizations build, maintain, and continually improve their privacy program in line with international best practices. Being certified against the standard demonstrates that a company meets the requirements and has put in place a comprehensive system to manage data privacy.

What does being certified to ISO 27701 mean?

It means that dotdigital has built a PIMS that complies with the ISO 27701 standard, and that all components of the system have been independently audited by a UKAS accredited certification body – Alcumus ISOQAR. To maintain certification, dotdigital must now commit to ongoing internal auditing; ensuring the management system continues to meet the requirements and drive improvement.  In addition to this, external audits will take place annually.  The certificate will expire in Summer 2023, at which point full re-certification audits will need to be conducted by a UKAS accredited Certification Body.

What does this mean for dotdigital customers?

We recognize our role as custodians of our clients’ data. dotdigital’s privacy program has developed over many years to foster a culture of trust, transparency, and responsibility. We’ve published information on our privacy program in our Trust Centre for some time. We continue to be proactive in updating our clients on the ever-changing privacy landscape globally, not just in outlining our commitments in our DPA, but offering detailed, practical guidance to our clients in the UK & Europe, the US, Singapore, and Australia. Achieving ISO 27701 accredited certification was the next step and reflects dotdigital’s ongoing commitment to ensure the privacy and security of personal data. It demonstrates that we understand how important personal data is, the risks associated with it, and how critical it is that it is protected. What’s more, certification provides evidence that the methods we have put in place to identify and mitigate privacy risks comply with an internationally recognized standard, and that they have been independently verified. We continue to invest in our privacy program as a business and we recognize our huge part to play in securing our customers’ most valuable of assets: their data. Feel free to get in touch with our Security or Privacy teams for more information.]]>
New dawn for retailers as Bronto fades into the sunset Mon, 19 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 These behavioral dynamics are both a threat and an opportunity. The threat is that retailers continue to rely on single channel, unintegrated communications with consumers and rely on shallow segmentation to create sales and promotional messages. The opportunity is in the rapidly growing size of the market. Consumers spent $861.12 billion online with U.S. merchants in 2020, a rise of 44.0% yoy, according to Digital Commerce 360. U.S. ecommerce hasn’t grown this much in 20 years and is three times the 15.1% rise in 2019. However, it is essential to look at how consumers are behaving behind these positive numbers so that retailers can catch their attention. McKinsey has observed various changes in consumer behavior; a preference for trusted brands; a decline in discretionary spending; trading down; larger baskets; reduced shopping frequency, a shift to stores closer to home; and, polarization of sustainability. This pivot also saw a huge rise in the number of people who had either rarely or never shopped on line. The result? They tried it and they liked it. In short, even though online will recede for some sectors, many people will never go back fully and, in the case of grocery, may simply mix and match store visits with home delivery or click and collect. In this new market, many solutions are simply not fit for purpose for how shoppers browse, buy and act on promotions and communications. This then is the clue to making an intelligent assessment of needs, the extent to which your options recognize how customers shop and how you need to enable that as well as measure and report on it. The solution must be able to build campaigns around customer personas based on recency, frequency and monetary (RFM) and it must be flexible enough to identify and report on how these personas change over time. Understanding customers must then prompt an increasingly personalized response. 83% of consumers expect products to be personalized within moments or hours, according to a survey by Dassault Systems. And they will pay on average 25.3% more for personalization, but they expect a saving in return. Once communications are personalized, retailers can start to make predictions using artificial intelligence so that they can take advantage of cross- and up-selling, and also start to personalize the actual products. A recent consumer review by Deloitte reported that 1 in 5 consumers are willing to pay 20% more for a personalized or exclusive product. This level of personalization now also extends to consumers’ preferred channels to commerce. They expect more immediacy and during 2020 and at the height of the pandemic, retailers used live chat, text and even Whatsapp to send customers shipping updates, curb side pick-up information, and order processing details. Using these one to one channels with text alongside email, retailers were able to lower barriers to purchase and so increase conversion rate and reduce onsite churn. In considering what platform to choose, this is the perfect opportunity to move up rather than across to a competing product that is more or less the same as what you have in place. By challenging your shortlist using your core customer focus strategy, you will find the right marketing solution and one that will adapt at the same speed as your customers are changing.]]>