Juliette Aiken – Dotdigital https://dotdigital.com Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:51:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://mkr1en1mksitesap.blob.core.windows.net/staging/2021/11/favicon-61950c71180a3.png Juliette Aiken – Dotdigital https://dotdigital.com 32 32 What’s new in Dotdigital https://dotdigital.com/blog/whats-new-in-dotdigital/ Wed, 16 Feb 2022 11:01:58 +0000 https://dotdigital.com/?p=29847

What’s new in Dotdigital

22one new product release

Today marks the release of our first product launch of 2022. Thousands of people use our platform every day to deliver better customer experiences. With the plethora of channels available, reams of data that will make the hardiest of data gurus dizzy, and an API library that would keep you entertained for days (if you were so inclined), it can be hard to know where to start.

Whatever your marketing goals for 2022 may be, there’s something for everyone this quarter. Let’s dive in.

For the data-driven

We’re not the first to highlight a shift in best practice when it comes to data acquisition. Our Rise of the Responsible Marketer report which was published last year unpicks the relationship between trust, marketing, and loyalty. Various industry forces have made it harder for marketers to rely on third-party data. Brands and marketers are expected to leverage first-party data in their personalization and retargeting efforts.

First-party data is information about your audience that you have obtained firsthand, it is collected and owned by you. First-party data includes information you hold in your CRM system, data from your website, app, and social media accounts, data around the purchases your customers are making, engagement data derived from the messages you send your addressable audience, and of course survey data. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives you a flavor of what is meant by first-party data.

All of these data points can be immensely valuable when devising a digital marketing strategy that lands where you need it to; in the mind of your (future) customer. It’s likely that there is a ton of first-party data you already hold. Yet 87% of marketers say data is their company’s most under-utilized asset.

At Dotdigital we want to change that. Last year we launched segment analytics and single customer view (SCV). Paired with our advanced customer analytics capabilities (remember eRFM?), you can start using these insights to better understand your customer at every level. Single customer view, as the name suggests, can be a powerful tool with which you can research your personas in granular detail, it can also be used as a way to validate your data acquisition strategy. Single customer view in Dotdigital shows you what data points you are collecting, and where there is room for improvement.

Segment analytics is the next level up from that, you can gain engagement, web, and order insights into any segment you create in Dotdigital. So, how has the feedback been? In a nutshell, many of you told us this is awesome, but wanted this level of insights for address books too.
Wish granted.

Address book analytics

So with this February release, we give you address book analytics. Similarly to segments, you can now dive into the detail of any address book in your Dotdigital account, and understand what day of the week they are most likely to engage with your content, what products they view on-site, what the purchase profile for that cohort of customers looks like, and more.

Ultimately, this will help you gain a deeper understanding of your customer, and use data-driven insights to improve how you market to your audience.

For the campaign masters

The new year can be a great time to experiment with new channels. Got a mobile app? Then we have something for you. Improvements to push notifications make it a much more versatile channel with which you can drive meaningful next steps, and shorten your subscribers’ journey to complete that all-important action. That may be a purchase, a prompt to confirm a booking or appointment they’ve made with you or a push to discover a new set of subscriptions that you have launched in-app.

Push notifications work best as part of a cross-channel marketing strategy when used sparingly. They can boost overall app engagement by 88%, and achieve high click-through rates when personalized and timed well. For example, the push notification reaction rate peaks at 11 pm at night and is at its lowest around 8 am and again at 6 pm. It’s not hard to deduce what is happening here; consumers are less likely to engage during rush hour (even if fewer people are physically traveling into a place of work, we’re still in ‘wind-up’ or ‘wind-down’ mode at the start and end of our working day).

Then there is the point around relevance, instead of using mobile push notifications as a channel on which you plainly repeat what you already emailed your subscriber base about, use it as an opportunity to reinforce that message, personalize it further, and bring the ball back into your court.

With our February release, you can send customers to a deep-link in-app (i.e. a product or category page) instead of your app homepage. Make it clear where you want them to go, what you’re going to be telling them, and what’s in it for them.

Smarter push notifications

Secondly, you can now set your push notifications up to be super-smart and perform a number of actions when they click through. Say you run a loyalty program and there’s a new message waiting for them in-app that explains all the benefits of the tier they have just hit, your push notification can be set to open this message on click. Similarly, if you choose to run an app-exclusive sale that is time-sensitive, you can now set your push notification to show the relevant products on sale and deliver a streamlined, one-click order process for customers who are ready to seal the deal. The opportunities are endless and largely untapped. Speak to us to find out more about what’s possible with mobile push notifications.

For developers

Communications APILet’s talk API’s. API stands for “Application Programming Interface” and gives you a way to programmatically tell one application to talk to another. This might be used to retrieve reporting data, check for events, and even trigger a perfectly timed alert, reminder, or notification. We’ve given our own Dotdigital Developer Hub a much-needed revamp. A collection of comprehensive guides document the art of the possible with our own library of API’s. Especially if you are the more-marketer and less-developer type, knowing what’s possible can help you have constructive conversations with your own development teams and agencies you partner with.

One of the changes we have made with this product release is the increase of our API request size limit (from 15MB to 50MB). This makes it easier to import vast amounts of data, such as contacts. It also opens up possibilities when using our transactional email API to send attachments.

Transactional messaging is a key part of any customer journey. It’s all good and well (and expected) that you prompt customers pre-point of purchase with information about your brand, product, and services. What will really make you stand out from the crowd, however, is completing that experience post-purchase with branded messages that provide updates on their order, an invoice confirmation (this is where that attachment comes in!), or simply a message of support should they require an escalation path in future. Read more about transactional messaging and all things aftersales in this blog.


To find out more about this product release and how it can help you achieve your goals for the year ahead, tune in to one of our lunch-and-learn webinars in March:

Advanced analytics have landed (EMEA): March 1, 12:00 pm – 13:oo pm GMT

Advanced analytics have landed (Americas): March 2, 12:00 pm – 13:00 pm EST

Advanced analytics have landed (APAC): March 3, 12:00 pm – 13:00 pm AEDT

Not so fast, 2022 https://dotdigital.com/blog/not-so-fast-2022/ Thu, 06 Jan 2022 09:16:58 +0000 https://dotdigital.com/?p=28136

A look back at 2021

Not so fast, 2022

Reflection on 2021

Every year Dotdigital gives its employees a break between Christmas and the new year. It’s the perfect time to relax, reset, and also reflect.

And so before we jump straight into what’s to come, I wanted to share some of my reflections with you here, and provide a recap of some of our favorite launches of 2021.

Did you know…?

We typically launch four product releases a year.  We are continuously deploying smaller updates and hotfixes, but anything significant that will affect how you work or inspire new ways of working is tied to quarterly releases.

Dotdigital has a public product roadmap, so you can see what we’re working on. Plus, check out the ‘Have an idea?’ tab next to your scroll bar, where you can post ideas of your own. We receive hundreds of ideas from customers and staff every month, which are all periodically reviewed. You never know, you may just see your idea on our roadmap next!

You can sign up to receive news, free resources, event invitations, and important product announcements here.

In case you missed it

With four product launches a year, even I find it hard to keep up. Here, I recap some of the big announcements that you’ll definitely want to note as you embark on your 2022 strategy.

Integrations hub

In 2021 we launched the Integration hub in the Dotdigital platform. The Integration hub houses a range of self-serve integrations that you can set up in minutes. Think Eventbrite, Zoom Webinars, Typeform, Google Sheets, and more. Check out this Q&A with Dotdigital’s Head of Online Marketing, Blake Jackson, in which we discuss how the Google Sheets integration has helped his team tell better stories through Google Data Studio.

We are working on more self-serve integrations so make sure to keep an eye on the Integration hub in your account with every product launch!

Screenshot of Dotdigital integration hub


e-R-F-M. Engagement. Recency. Frequency. Monetary.

eRFM is an ecommerce behavioral model that uses order and engagement data to organize your (soon-to-be) customers into differentiated segments based on their propensity to buy. In Dotdigital, eRFM powers the Opportunities dashboard, which uncovers engagement and revenue opportunities within your existing contact base.

What was wrong with retargeting in 2020? Not a huge amount, at least for its time. If like many brands you’ve experienced waning repeat purchase and customer retention rates. Consider this: marketers are marketing more, and in turn, consumers are engaging with more digital content than ever.

We’ve observed triple-digit increases across email opens and clicks across some industries. We’re all consuming more content digitally, but our wallets and minds are still the same ‘size’. This means more brands are vying for that same share of mind and share of wallet. Part of the answer lies within the sophisticated tools that Dotdigital has to offer.

The eRFM-powered Opportunities dashboard helps you be where others aren’t, and do what others are not. Check out this ebook which shows you how to use the Opportunities dashboard and find opportunities where the competition isn’t even looking.

Screenshot of eRFM in opportunities dashboard

Segment analytics

Another update that has helped brands the world over segment smarter, is Segment analytics.

Segment building is part of the day-to-day for many marketers, and lacking data often hinders their optimization. Segment analytics turns segment creation on its head and gives decision-makers and marketing executives a plethora of information that will help them create more considered customer cohorts.

As you build out your segment you can see real-time data about the contacts within it, helping you find the optimum customer-campaign fit, before you hit send. Our customers have loved this functionality so much that they soon turned to us requested we offer the same for address books. And so come February when our next product release lands, you’ll be able to access address book insights too.

screenshot of segment analytics

Program analytics

Program analytics screenshot

Program reporting is nothing new, but we found that marketers struggle to uncover what steps in their marketing programs are sealing the deal, and which are ripe for optimization. Whereas Program reporting continues to give you a birds-eye view to track overall program performance, we decided to introduce Program analytics in September 2021.

Program analytics gives you an in-situ view of your program’s performance, encourages a test-learn-test mindset, and paves the way for channel and message experimentation.

Single Customer View

We expect consumers to voice concerns around data privacy and security more loudly than ever in 2022. Contrary to popular belief, your SCV doesn’t get better with every piece of data you point to it. Building a SCV requires planning, consideration, and curation. And always start with ‘Why’ – when considering what customer data to collect.

Our last release of 2021 gave our customers the ability to build a more responsible SCV. You can use it to gain a better understanding of what it is your customers really want, check that your data enrichment strategy is effective, and drive a customer-centric agenda across your organization. Read more about what the new SCV looks like on our blog.

SCV example

Apple iOS 15

I couldn’t conclude this blog without a mention of Apple iOS 15, which gave consumers the ability to take control of their data and what is shared with the brands they engage with.
Protection icon

Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email are two key parts of the iOS 15 update that have preoccupied the minds of many a marketer in the past few months. For example, Mail Privacy Protection allows iOS 15 users to load email content privately, and not reveal their IP address. Unfortunately for us marketers, this reduces the reliability of your open data.

And so we have given all our users the ability to deprioritize opens and use clicks as a primary metric across our platform, in doing so we provide you with a truer view of customer engagement.

What’s next?

Our Product and Technology teams are working away on some exciting projects that will amongst many other things see the introduction of more self-serve integrations, improved onboarding for new customers, and increased flexibility when it comes to revenue attribution. Have I said too much? Maybe. Just be sure to sign up for our newsletter to ensure you hear about Dotdigital product launches first. 2022 has a lot more in store for us all.

In the meantime, check out our What’s new page to read more about 2021 releases in full.

To SCV or not to SCV? https://dotdigital.com/blog/to-scv-or-not-to-scv/ Tue, 16 Nov 2021 13:27:21 +0000 https://dotdigital.com/?p=27482

To SCV or not to SCV?

Single customer view, 360-degree view of the customer, golden record – all of these terms and more have been bandied around marketing circles for over a decade and are no less a hot topic today.

In 2015 Experian surveyed a sample of 1,000 global marketers, the subsequent report that drew from their findings stated that 89% have challenges creating a single customer view. The top reasons? Poor data quality (39%), siloed departments (35%), and an inability to link different technologies (51%).

With knowledge, comes responsibility

Fast forward to 2021 and single customer view (SCV) remains an aspiration for many, with opinions varying greatly on whether we’ll ever get ‘there’. We see a very welcome trend shaping the conversation around SCV, which is the rising interest in data governance and good data stewardship. 72% of leaders are worried about data quality and security and an increasing number of leading analysts and research firms are voicing their concerns around this seemingly intangible pursuit, and are even questioning the ethics around the pursuit of SCV at all.

No doubt this has been bolstered by a heightened sensitivity from consumers around how their data is collected, managed, and processed. All of which can be tied back to emerging and often disruptive changes and regulations such as the current GDPR, recent Apple privacy changes for iOS15, and future changes such as Google’s total deprecation of third-party cookies which is planned for 2023.

Whilst the latter from Google has been known to us for a while, earlier this year Google confirmed that “once third-party cookies are phased out, we will not build alternate identifiers to track individuals as they browse across the web”.

But it’s not all bad news; far from it even.

Consumers are still willing to share data with brands they want to hear from, but brand-consumer relationships will arguably become more selective, and direct. You can look at third-party cookies as ‘the middle man’, an anonymous figure that had its place in the 2000s and 2010s but is increasingly being phased out.

The benefit to businesses is a more direct relationship with consumers and more control over the incoming and outgoing data streams. The benefit to consumers? Cost. In a digital world, this doesn’t always translate into monetary cost, it’s more intangible than that. The perceived cost of doing business with a company and sharing your data with them is lower when you are clear on who the data is going to and what it is going to be used for. Gen Z and Gen Alpha consumers are going to grow up in a first-party data world, and companies whose beginnings precede them need to keep up.

Start with why

To thrive in a first-party data world, brands will need to develop a clear strategy around customer data. Starting not with a data map of what data points they want, but rather with a vision of what the ideal customer experience looks like, and what data points they need to deliver on that vision. Marketers need to apply rigor in their day-to-day when requesting, collecting, and interrogating any data set, especially when all or parts of it can be traced back to individual consumers.

So when you’re next discussing single customer view, or even your data retention policy, start with ‘why?’ and you might be surprised where the conversation leads your thinking about your data strategy, and what it is you do or don’t need. Your customers will thank you, with their loyalty rather than a note, I might add.

3 good reasons to pursue a single customer view

1. You want to use first-party data to understand your customer and deliver better experiences

A single customer view should pull in demographic, behavioral, engagement, and transactional (i.e. sales) data. In the marketer’s world consent data is crucial too. Depending on the tool you use, you may have access to inferred persona profiles, which based on all the data points in your SCV will tell you whether you’re looking at a lead that is cooling down or a customer that is heating up.

By studying your SCV you may learn that your ‘champions’ typically spend $150 more than newly acquired customers. Or you may learn that it takes around 8 orders before you have a loyal customer on your hands.

All this and more will help you better understand customer behavior, and develop out marketing programs that are in tune with your customer’s wants and actions.

2. You want to check your integrations are set up correctly and identify whether your data enrichment strategy is effective

A good single customer view will not only impart knowledge based on what you do have, but it will also show up where your data collection practices are less-than-optimal and where you may require alternative tactics that will help you learn more about your customer. It can help you uncover that you are not effectively collecting demographic information about your customers with which you can send them dynamically tailored communications.

Lastly, it’s also a great way to sense-check that your integrations and tracking scripts are working as they should, giving you an activity timeline of purchases and products viewed.

3. You want to drive a customer-centric agenda across your organization, and need a springboard to kickstart the right conversations

The CMO Council reports that “only 14 percent of marketers say that customer-centricity is a hallmark of their companies, and only 11 percent believe their customers would agree with that characterization.”

If you form part of the 14% that believes customer-centricity is a hallmark of the business you work for, a single customer view can help drive confidence in the data you are using to make informed decisions about your marketing practices.

However, if you are among the 86% of marketers who don’t believe they work in customer-led organizations, a single customer view is still for you. By inviting teams into the SCV, you can show them how these insights will help drive better collaboration between your and their departments.

Whether they like it or not, Gen Z and Gen Alpha are set to make up a greater proportion of your customer base over time. These generations value dialogue and are touted to be communaholics. Inviting your support team into your SCV can provide tremendous value as they interact with customers via channels such as live chat, Messenger, and WhatsApp. They’ll be able to easily identify what order a customer is inquiring about, or what complementary products they have recently viewed.

Similarly, with sales and ecommerce departments, you can share learnings about the time it takes for a customer to convert, or the average time between sign-up and engagement, which will help inform their outreach programs, and a joint lead scoring strategy which then informs when opportunities should tip into their pipeline.

The new single customer view

There are clear correlations between a consumers’ sense of security, trust, and their propensity to engage with content and purchase products from a brand.

At Dotdigital we’re proud to champion responsible marketing practices, and practice what we preach too. So this year we decided to launch single customer view to all customers on our platform. Late to the party? Maybe. Yet 2021 has brought so many learnings around trust and data privacy that we have been armed with the right knowledge to create a single customer view that fosters responsible practices around data acquisition, collection, and application.

To understand what we mean by responsible marketing, check out our Rise of the Responsible Marketer report. And remember, Dotdigital is both ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and ISO 14001 certified, meaning you can rest assured you are developing out a single view of your customer in a platform that puts customers first and will benefit your business in the long run.

Plus, Dotdigital gives you all the tools you need to create and publish marketing preference centers, landing pages, and surveys, all of which can be used as part of a zero- or first-party data acquisition strategy. SCV in Dotdigital then shows you when exactly they submitted the form, what their marketing preferences are, and even what marketing program a contact is enrolled into.

“Dotdigital’s single customer view is neat, easy to view, and looks great. Having all the data in one place is truly beneficial to understand a customer journey – website visits, the path they have taken, time spent on the site, what category they have viewed and browsed. It’s also insightful to have details such as the RFM persona, segments, and programs that the customer is part of a single dashboard. A deep analysis of the buyers’ behavior, i.e. how each customer feels and interacts with our brand, is crucial and will further help tailor each interaction. We can’t wait to start using it.”

Craig Wheeler, Group VP of Digital and Omnichannel, Kanmo Group

Existing customers like Kanmo Group have access to SCV already. Not a Dotdigital customer? Book a personalized demo and ask one of our lovely team members to show you around SCV.

Marketing analytics 2.0 – dashboards meet workflows https://dotdigital.com/blog/marketing-analytics-2-0-dashboards-meet-workflows/ Tue, 07 Sep 2021 00:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/marketing-analytics-2-0-dashboards-meet-workflows/ Why am I talking about workflows? Well, all dashboards contain data, but not all data has to culminate in a dashboard. The thing about dashboards (no matter how much I love good data vis) is that they typically represent hindsight. And whilst hindsight can be a beautiful thing, sometimes you just need the right data to inform your next decision there and then, and help you decide what you do with your campaign or automation program whilst you’re in build mode(and not when you’re in your next marketing team meeting). And that’s where workflows come in. Most marketers spend a fair amount of time building the perfect segment and crafting a better-than-ever customer journey in Program builder. So that’s exactly where we now serve you your very own valuable, relevant data. Meet dotdigital’s latest platform release in which we bring you major updates that will help you make data-driven decisions every single day.

Find the perfect customer-campaign fit

Firstly, hats off to the 15,000+ users who already use dotdigital to create segments they can market to, this one is for you. Directly in Segment builder, you’ll now find Segment analytics. Segment analytics gives you more insights into (you guessed it) a segment as and when you build it. Across email, web, commerce, and RFM analytics, you have all the data you need to make strategic improvements based on your data. This means you can optimize your audience based on a campaign objective, optimize your content to fit the behaviors the people in your segment are displaying, and learn about your prospects and customers on the go. Email and content marketers will find email and web analytics particularly useful. You can start building out your segment based on demographic data, and use these views to ascertain what day of the week they are most likely to engage, whether they are a high-intent audience based on past engagement, and what pages on your site they’re most interested in. This allows you to optimize your send, select what content you should include, and make informed decisions on where on your site you should drive them to. Ecommerce marketers benefit too from the commerce and RFM analytics tabs. You might discover that your segment has a penchant for a particular product category, has a higher AOV than your average customer, or that your segment consists of a large number of lapsing customers. In turn, you can optimize your campaign by changing your promotion or the logic that underpins the product recommendation type you plan to feature. Plus, we give you the opportunity to benchmark what the analytics are telling you against your own data, by using the ‘Compare segments’ view which lets you compare your newly created segment to any existing one. And naturally, it all works for existing segments too.

Optimize your automation performance with pin-point precision

Another great update for all our customers using Program builder to orchestrate winning customer journeys is the introduction of Program analytics. Earlier this year we introduced improved Program reporting, which gives you a birds-eye view to track the overall performance of each marketing automation program. Now imagine your manager said  ‘Our nurture program saw 25% fewer clicks this month versus the previous – can you check that out?’. Sure, you can. But knowing which campaign, text, or touchpoint in that program contributed to that change was hard. Until now. Program analytics in dotdigital gives you an in-situ view of program performance, so you can see exactly what part of your program is working hard and fast, and where it could be optimized. You can see everything from where your contacts enrolled from (a schedule enrolment, enrolled via abandoned cart, a signup form, and more) to how each campaign is performing, whether that’s email, SMS, push notifications, or any other channel you have featured in your program. Another nice way to benchmark your program’s performance against your data is by using the ‘compare campaigns’ view, which lets you compare the performance of campaigns featured in that program. Program reporting and program analytics combined give you all you need to always be optimizing and test new automation strategies with confidence; knowing that you’ll have the insight to determine what is moving the needle.

Put excellence into the expected

Last but not least, we have introduced a myriad of updates that will help you deliver better-than-ever customer experiences. Live chat and timely, relevant transactional communications (think: account creation confirmations, order and shipping updates) are increasingly becoming hygiene factors and key contributors to how your customer perceives your brand. You can use dotdigital Chat to answer any incoming query in a flash, and even acquire new contacts with our integrated Pages and forms functionality. Check out this case study to find out how Converse used live chat to increase its footprint in new markets. We’ve made the Chat widget super-smart with this release, which gives you more flexibility over when it is displayed on-site, and whether you receive notifications of an incoming message via email or web push (or both). Our transactional email API too now makes it even easier for you to deliver a better customer experience. You can add attachments using the API (no more tickets that they can’t log in to view their invoice!) and include metadata via the API to further personalize the email. In the hospitality sector, for example, you might use this to include details about someone’s booking (booking location, booking ID, and more) in an email in which you request they confirm their reservation. We then offer webhooks that report back when they hit ‘Confirm’ in real-time, resulting in a seamless experience for you and your customer.

Customer experience optimization

There’s a lot more in this release, from updates to our WooCommerce plug-in to an all-new Zoom Webinar integration. You can read more about everything that’s new in dotdigital this September here. And we’re not stopping there. Save the date for October 27th when we launch our next product release, it’s going to be a good one. Make sure you’re set up to receive product updates from us by updating your preferences.]]>
Q&A: Telling stories with Google Data Studio https://dotdigital.com/blog/qa-telling-stories-with-google-data-studio/ Mon, 21 Jun 2021 00:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/qa-telling-stories-with-google-data-studio/ Juliette: First of all, could you tell us a bit about your role as Head of Online Marketing Blake? Blake: I lead a team of marketers that help the wider marketing organization activate campaigns across digital channels. Part of the team maintains, optimizes, designs, and develops our marketing website properties. The other part works to drive demand and fill the sales funnel with lead-generation campaigns across, pay-per-click, search, display, and social. And, as you might imagine, we run marketing automation campaigns, including email marketing, using Dotdigital.

How do you define success for your team? What metrics do you look at?  At the core of how we measure our work, we look at customer and prospective-customer engagement. To do this, we keep a close eye on customer engagements using our CRM (Microsoft Dynamics), where we leverage lead-scoring to help identify warm leads and qualify them from a marketing perspective, flagging them as ready to be handed to sales. In service to customer engagement, we also look closely at channel-level metrics. Open rates, click-through rates, and click-to-open rates help give us signals about how our email marketing is being received by our audience. Conversion rates help us optimize the website for better engagement. Ad click-throughs and conversions help us drive engagement and learn about how marketing messages resonate. But all of these metrics point to engagement in some form. What does the MarTech stack at Dotdigital look like? Unsurprisingly, the heart of our stack is Dotdigital – which we love. It integrates beautifully with Microsoft Dynamics 365, our CRM. We use additional distribution channels like Hootsuite, GoToWebinar, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Linkedin Ads. Our marketing site is built primarily on WordPress, we deliver website personalizations with Webeo, setup popups with Wisepops, and use Dotdigital’s Chat as our sales live-chat tool. And what tools, in particular, do you use for reporting and analysis? Our data and insights team are wizards at Power BI which helps surface data kept in our CRM. We rely on that heavily to keep an eye on the sales funnel. On the marketing side, we use Google Analytics, Hotjar, Moz for traffic, conversion, and search engine optimization across the website. Dotdigital’s reporting tools help immensely with our email marketing and contact-database growth measurement. We regularly look at the big advertising platforms’ default reporting, too. Where we want to blend or manipulate marketing data, we use Google Data Studio. What challenges do you face when it comes to reporting? How does this affect you and the team? The biggest challenge, as other marketers know, is getting a ‘view-to-rule-them-all’. Having data stored in lots of platforms means it’s hard to get a single-view to understand or demonstrate how it’s all working together. Which means sometimes insights can be slow to surface and require a deep-dive to pull it all together. What are the key benefits of using Google Data Studio? Data Studio makes it very easy to integrate and blend a wide variety of data and gives users like me the ability to very quickly visualize that data. Interactivity is built into nearly every chart, table, and visualization automatically, making it simple to drill down and filter data in a way that surfaces compelling, actionable data stories. It also makes it very easy to share reports and dashboards. I like it because it’s web-based, very visual, and the learning curve isn’t too steep. The biggest benefit is that it’s free. We recently released a new integration that allows you to connect your Dotdigital campaign reports to Google Sheets. You’ve started using it already, how did you find it? As a Dotdigital power-user, I’m often very excited about new releases and integrations. But this was was particularly exciting, because I knew that connecting campaign reports to Google Sheets meant I could then pull that data into Data Studio! And to make things even better setting up the integration was so, so easy.  It was a matter of like 3 or 4 clicks and done.

How does this make your day job easier? We’re very interested in our email marketing performance over time. In the past, the executives would pull the campaign data manually into a spreadsheet and map that out so we could compare like-for-like campaigns and keep an eye on how CTO, CTR, and CTOR improve as we make optimizations. As marketers know, not all email campaigns are the same or even meant to be compared, so we’ve always wanted to be able to filter and manipulate data in a way to let us see trends across similar campaigns. Now we can do that without having to export campaign reports or making sure our campaigns are tagged perfectly. That data refreshes frequently and is waiting for us in a spreadsheet, ready to be used. And how does this translate to what you do in Google Data Studio?  Because the export is automatic, we can jump straight into the insights. Google Data Studio loves Google Sheets, naturally, so pulling that data into Data Studio is a breeze. Plus, you only have to do it once and your dashboards in Data Studio automatically with the campaign data that is being pulled into the linked Google Sheet. At that point, it’s a matter of setting up charts and tables to visualize the data. This has given me the ability to filter and present campaign data in a highly customized way, empowering me to surface need-to-know insights to the Marketing Director or any of my colleagues. What’s your favorite thing about working in Google Data Studio? Is there a particular feature that you think everyone should hear about? Data Studio makes filter controls so, so easy. The simplest being the date filter, but you can easily assign any filterable data field to the data filter. With a bit of regex, we extract the email type from the campaign names and turn this into a ‘Campaign Type’ data field. I can then add a filter dropdown so the team can look at campaign performance by type of campaign (content, webinar invite, promotion, feature release) with one click. And every chart in the report will then show the relevant data accordingly. Another very close second favorite is the ability to schedule email delivery of a Data Studio report. This means you can automate your monthly campaign reports to land in your boss’s inbox every month.

Syncing your Campaign Reports to Google Sheets means that your dashboards in Google Data Studio are automatically updated. Saving you time. What can you do with all that time saved? Optimization, optimization, optimization. The less time we spend doing the dirty work of mining for insights on past campaigns, the more time we can spend on optimizing our future campaigns. When time is saved, we want to invest that time back into building automations, lifecycle programs, and campaign optimizations that will save even more time in the future. It’s said a lot, but it’s very important to make time to save time. What are the benefits of being able to clearly convey the performance of marketing efforts with the wider business? Ultimately, across this business, and any business, it’s important that we’re all marching in the same direction. Visual insights and reporting—and making those insights easily accessible—helps not just our team but other teams make better decisions in their own work. It ensures that we’re all working from the same insights, and minimizes the likelihood of duplicative work.  This is particularly important in this era of remote working when cross-team collaboration requires more energy and planning.

Whilst data in itself can be interesting, sometimes it needs a helping hand to give it context and bring it to life. After all, for marketers, it always comes back to telling great stories right? How has the Google Sheets integration(and in turn Google Data studio) helped you do this? This is entirely true. And the amount of data that’s available to digital marketers can be overwhelming.  And I’m sure many can relate to the feeling when we’re sent a Slack message from a boss or a colleague like “Can you send me our website traffic stats?” or “What do our email stats look like?” When really they’re asking “Are we getting value from our marketing investment?” or “Which of our activations is making the most impact?” or “Where are opportunities for us to make more impact?”. And to answer these questions some of these many metrics help, but they need to be seen in a blended way, with context and, very often, narrative. Customizable reporting with Data Studio and the easy integrations with key marketing tech, like Dotdigital, make it easier to tell those stories in a visual and interactive way.

What advice do you have for other marketers that want to improve their storytelling with data?

While it’s overwhelming at first, start by taking inventory of all the data metrics you do have access to. Then run through each of them and ask yourself  “What is the practical action I would take based on this metric?” and “How often would I look at this metric to make a decision?” If it’s difficult to define what that practical action you could make is, set it aside. Then group the rest based on the second question. Going through that exercise leaves you with a narrower set of metrics– eliminating the data overload. This helps you as the storyteller and also your audience. It also gives you the rough outline of how to structure your data storytelling. Data you need frequently can be presented in simple, quickly digestible ways.  Deeper data that needs to be reviewed less frequently can be framed with a narrative in a more comprehensive way.

You can find out more about syncing your campaign data to Google Sheets in our Help Center.

Raise the bar with customer intent https://dotdigital.com/blog/raise-the-bar-with-customer-intent/ Fri, 30 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/raise-the-bar-with-customer-intent/ Digital engagement is on the rise. Marketers are marketing more, and in turn, consumers are engaging with more digital content than ever.

Online event engagement is a great example of this. Event management platform Eventbrite reported that in 2020 nearly 75 million people registered for more than one million virtual events, logging an impressive combined 100 million hours in attendance. By November 2020, we were spending 34x more time attending online events than in January of the same year.

Similar trends can be observed across email engagement and purchase behavior too. We analyzed Dotdigital customer data in June last year and found that some industries (healthcare, utility providers, technology hardware, and apparel & fashion in particular) are seeing triple-digit increases across their email opens and clicks.

To top it all off, this is translating into increased online purchase activity too. With online sales growing by 46% over a single year. All sounds great, right? These statistics don’t tell the full story of course. We’re all consuming more content digitally, but (in most cases at least) our wallets and minds are the same ‘size’!

So this means that more brands are vying for that same share of mind and share of wallet. We’re spending more time looking at content from the brands we love (according to Yotpo 31% of consumers now claim to be loyal to 6-10 brands versus 26% in 2019), but this doesn’t always translate into a readiness to buy.

New channels and tools can offer an excellent return on investment, but only if you’re targeting the right people (the ones that are really ‘into’ you and your product, then and there). Another interesting thought by Wang and Head (2005) in the “Innovative Marketing Journal” raises that the consumer market is non-contractual, and customers may not value lifetime relationships as we think they do. All of these trends combined can be expensive to marketers.

Marketers can however afford to be choosier with who they remarket to, and through what means. There’s a need to better qualify what we class as ‘engagement’ and better identify propensity to act or buy.

Drumroll, please…

By all accounts now is no time to be resting on our laurels, the latest Dotdigital release is hot off the press and brings all our customers new ways to uncover meaningful, profitable opportunities as they arise.

Uncover emerging opportunities.

With eRFM. Understanding when it’s time to act requires insight into the purchase cycles of your customers, and an ability to act on the high-intent signals that they give you. Retargeting for loyalty is possible, but you need a workflow that will help you identify previously missed opportunities as they arise. And this is where eRFM and the new Opportunities dashboard come into play.

eRFM is a holistic behavioral model that presents you with customer personas which are graded based on levels of purchase intent and intent signals. At the core of the model is the notion of a customer decision window. What a customer viewed on your website yesterday is far more relevant (to you and them), than what they browsed six months ago.

The Opportunities Dashboard is where your customers are displayed in a highly visual and actionable way, grouped together based on their purchase profile and how likely to buy they are. The dashboard lets you find tomorrow’s customers today, and drive a more profitable customer segmentation strategy.

using eRFM to recognise customer intent

Deliver next-gen shopping experiences.

With PWA for Magento. The number of Magento stores going ‘headless’ is on the rise, and for good reason. PWA storefronts as they’re known, deliver on a host of shopping experience improvements. From increased mobile usage to improved site speeds (read: improved conversion rates), PWA implementations help merchants deliver better online experiences all-round and in turn impact marketing ROI for the better too.

With our latest product release, Magento merchants running a headless storefront can now benefit from the same #1 integration, regardless of their chosen implementation.

Headless ecommerce with Magento PWA

Seamlessly manage shared experiences.

With Eventbrite. Eventbrite is one of the most used events management and ticketing services around and has helped a number of industries (particularly those hardest hit in 2020) continue to deliver engaging experiences to their audiences.

So we couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to add not one, but two Eventbrite integrations to our Integration Hub. With it, marketers can seamlessly manage events marketing and after-event experiences. The ability to capture attendees as they check-in or -out makes it an incredibly powerful way to engage in-the-moment. This allows marketers to follow up post-event with an email containing highlights and next steps, or even an SMS containing a voucher for that coffee you promised as a Thank You for their time.

Make meaningful customer engagements

Dotdigital gives you all the tools you need to act when it matters most. To find out more about our latest product release, you can get the full low-down here.

The many cases for single sign-on https://dotdigital.com/blog/the-many-cases-for-single-sign-on/ Fri, 05 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/the-many-cases-for-single-sign-on/ Research from NordPass (2020) reports that the average person has 100 passwords, a number that has increased by 25% in a single year. No wonder something as simple as accessing your most-used platform can be so time-consuming.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be.

What is SSO?

We’ve released single sign-on (SSO) for Dotdigital. So now you can do away with those Slack memos you sent yourself (no, really), the numerous Dropbox Paper documents you’ve stored your passwords in (come on, admit it), and all that countless effort it takes to get into your most valuable business systems, one of which no doubt is your marketing platform.

Why SSO?

Besides relieving a lot of frustration on the users’ part, single sign-on brings a broader set of benefits to businesses. For one, it fosters collaboration. Marketing platforms play a greater role in cross-departmental collaboration than ever. Chat is a great acquisition tool for marketers, but typically requires sales users to log-in. Customer and persona reporting are instrumental to driving effective marketing programs, and can provide valuable insight for online visual merchandisers and ecommerce managers too.

Or perhaps you want to send transactional SMS and your dev team urgently needs access to your API credentials. Some such teammates won’t need access every day, and so expecting them to remember another log-in when you want them to use your hard-fought insights, or make something happen for you, can seem like a tall ask and hinders collaboration.

But those are just my takes. SSO presents a host of different benefits to businesses. Understanding these from a perspective other than your own is going to help you drive the internal conversation and make it happen. I spoke to some of our own experts on the matter to find out more…

SSO for privacy and cybersecurity

With the ever-increasing legislation around privacy and cybersecurity, SSO has become a hot topic at the board table. Many organizations, including dotdigital, align with internationally recognized standards such as ISO 27001, to deploy security best practices. For stretched internal IT teams that means having to deploy security measures and policies to help protect against emerging threats.

Steve Shaw, Chief Technology Officer at dotdigital explains: “Policies and procedures have to be tight and followed to keep bad actors at bay. Having strong password policies, policies around password rotation, two-factor authentication, and account lockout across all your technology are no longer nice to have but a must to protect Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Implementing this across a sprawling technical estate, that increases daily with the advent of SaaS & cloud, can be a huge challenge.”

This is why single sign-on is so important concludes Steve, “It enables your SaaS applications to tie into your organization’s Identity Management Platform (IdP), helps to control the password strength, two-factor authentication requirements, and account lock-outs, all from a single location.

“Imagine if one of your employee’s email accounts has been compromised. How many SaaS applications would the attacker now have access to? With SSO you can block access to that employee’s account by disabling it on your own IdP.

SSO for privacy and cybersecurity

“With the introduction of SSO for Dotdigital, your organization can benefit by reducing IT and Security team administration overheads and ‘time to act’ by connecting Dotdigital to your IdP using the OpenID protocol, which enables IdPs such as Azure Active Directory, Okta and Google’s IdP platform.”

SSO: security vs. usability

Further to this, Dotdigital Head of Information Security, Yousif Rajah, provides this useful analogy: “Whenever we talk about bolstering the security of something, there is often a difficult trade-off between security and usability.  In the physical world, you’d ideally like to walk up to your house and simply push open the door.  But for most of us, the level of risk dictates that we need to add a level of security to protect the things we care about; which normally takes the form of one or two locks. How about 10 locks? Great Security; awful usability.

“In the online world, single sign-on (SSO) is one of those rare controls where those trade-offs don’t have to be so binary.  End users can have a much more seamless experience, while IT, Security, and Governance teams can maintain the level of control and visibility they require. It really is a win-win.”

Win-Win(-Win) with SSO

With SSO, your company controls the rules around access – not the platform you are logging in to; resulting in:

  • Productivity gains: you use the same password across all of your SSO-enabled platforms; enabling you and key collaborators to access the tools you need with efficiency.
  • Reduced overheads: you’ll have fewer prompts to enter a username and password when logging in to SSO-enabled Apps; fewer tickets for your IT team to tend to.
  • Best practice: businesses can turn to their central IdP to swiftly manage account access for all their SSO-enabled applications; reducing the risk of bad actors accessing sensitive customer data.

Get in touch to find out more about single sign-on.

2020 in review: From hype cycle to lifecycle https://dotdigital.com/blog/2020-in-review-from-hype-cycle-to-lifecycle/ Wed, 23 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/2020-in-review-from-hype-cycle-to-lifecycle/ Well, it’s been quite the year. And one that probably needs no introduction as I’m sure we’ll all gladly wave ‘Goodbye’ to 2020 and ‘Hello’ to a more hopeful 2021.

Whilst there are a lot of things about this year we’d rather forget, there are some things that are worth highlighting.

Year of digital converts

2020 is the year that the ‘late majority’ became fully-fledged digital converts. With many countries asking their citizens to stay at home or minimize their travel, consumers who previously shopped in store or preferred to access services in person, found they had little choice but to give the internet a go. All age groups have seen an increase in the frequency with which they shop online, too. This increase is strongest with the under 35s, of which 62% now shop online once a week or more, versus 48% last year. 

With our places of interest shifting online, so have our expectations and habits. Google reports that ‘live chat’ and ‘online classes’, amongst many other service related terms, have seen an increased search interest across the world. So, many businesses and organisations delivering events and services have found themselves testing fresh creative formats.

From a MarTech standpoint, it’s been a very interesting year too. Many marketing terms that you’d have seen in a game of buzzword bingo last year are now displaying adulting behavior, and have made their way into our day-to-day conversations and actions. Of course, I’m talking about terms like actionable analytics, CX (customer experience), machine learning, retention marketing, scalability, and so many more.

Still sound fluffy? Let me try to unpick my top three and explain how our customers have used some of the latest and greatest features in Dotdigital to accelerate their way up the (here’s another for you!) digital maturity curve.

Actionable analytics

Since its initial launch in 2019, Commerce Intelligence and RFM persona modelling in Dotdigital has surfaced a wealth of online purchases and persona insights. Grouping different customers into meaningful personas means you can send messages and offers that will help them graduate to the next level of loyalty.

Earlier this year, we made it easier to create segments directly from these dashboards, as and when you spot a cohort of customers you want to retarget with a particular campaign, for example. Bringing these personas into segment builder lets you overlay other attributes and create incredibly refined target groups. What’s more, persona groups are mutually exclusive, so you don’t have to worry if some of last month’s customers that needed nurturing are now high potentials and ready for a different message.

In addition to this, we’ve introduced a dedicated dashboard where you can track what’s happening with your abandoned carts. Learning from your shoppers behavior and fine-tuning your tactics accordingly can have a huge impact on your bottom line. We analyzed 9.2 million carts and found that cart abandonment campaigns recovered $245 million in otherwise lost revenue this year alone; you can read the full report here.

Artificial Intelligence

AI, machine learning, deep learning, predictive analytics. This topic corners an entire space in the ‘buzzword’ lexicon on its own! But not for long… Econsultancy concurs that some of the greatest challenges businesses have with AI implementation for marketing include: having access to the right data; not knowing what AI can do for your business in real terms; and (this one’s based on market feedback we’ve received) a worry that there is no control over AI output or no visibility of what that output even is.

If you’re already using our predictive recommendations (now accessible via a shiny UI that helps you match the right product recommendation type to the appropriate stage of the customer lifecycle), you’ll know that you can use ‘best next’ and overlay it with rules in segment builder. ‘Best next’ uses what is called collaborative filtering to, based on order behavior of similar shoppers, predict which products that individual is likely to purchase next. This is great, but sometimes you want additional control to exclude products from particular brands or categories in support of your latest campaign, for example. Many customers using predictive recommendations were asking us “How can I understand it?” and “What’s the AI doing?”, to help with this we launched affinity scores in October this year. You can find out more in this Q&A with Principle Product Manager Ian Pollard and resident Data Scientist Sam Crawley.


As mentioned above, Google reports that ‘live chat’ and ‘online classes’, amongst many other service related terms, have seen an increased search interest across the world. In an increasingly digital and remote world, consumers are seeking and expecting more personal experiences with the brands they love.

Live chat is traditionally a great way to handle after-sales and support queries, but we believe there is more in store for marketers and consumers alike, too. This year we’ve upgraded Dotdigital Chat in more ways than one, so brands can be as helpful pre-sale as they would be after one. This includes things like:

  • Multi-team support
  • Agent insights including browse behavior history
  • Forms in chat for easier acquisition
  • Translation support and enhanced email and browser notifictions

Another great way to deliver experiences that stand out from the inbox this year is with interactive email, powered by AMP. It’s a major update to a much-loved channel that’s close to our hearts. Our Head of Product Management, Michael Duxbury, explains more in his blog post.

Is that it?

From all-new program reporting to SMS enhancements, a better way with transactional emails and upgrades to our Dynamics 365 CRM integration, there’s a ton more that we’ve delivered that I couldn’t possibly cover in one blog post alone. To ensure you always receive updates about our platform, make sure your preferences are up to date by signing up to product updates here.

And don’t worry if you don’t feel you’re quite up to speed with any of the above just yet. Our incredible customer success and support teams are on-hand to deliver the five-star experience we hope you have come to expect of us. So, do reach out if you want any more information on any of the above.

Next year is jam-packed with more platform enhancements and features that even the most seasoned of marketers should get excited about. For a sneak peak, remember you can always check out our roadmap here.

Even continuity brings change. Here’s what you can do to remain relevant. https://dotdigital.com/blog/even-continuity-brings-change-heres-what-you-can-do-to-remain-relevant/ Tue, 17 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/even-continuity-brings-change-heres-what-you-can-do-to-remain-relevant/ While marketplaces and governments urge brands not to take advantage of the circumstances we find ourselves in, marketing needn’t become the latest word to fuel the digital swear jar.

The daily changes that are being implemented globally mean that we are likely to continue to see (1) a drop in social interactions, (2) increased working from home, and (3) a further shift from offline to online.

This however doesn’t mean that your customers don’t want to hear from you. As we become ever more reliant on digital communications and interactions, it is of increasing importance that brands make these interactions count, and that their messaging is on point and relevant.

We’re sure you’re juggling a ton of change implementations across your businesses, so we thought we’d round up some ideas to help make it easier to navigate some decisions around your marketing:

Out of sight, out of mind?

Businesses have widely reported negative impact already. OpenTable, a popular restaurant booking platform, have already reported a 20% reduction in seated diners across the world. At a city level, 45% fewer diners are eating out in Seattle, compared with 40% in San Francisco, 30% in New York, and 25% in London, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

As many of us are advised to minimize physical social contact, messages where you remind your customers to book that spa day, or send them a voucher code that is redeemable in-restaurant, will seem misplaced. Consider creative ways in which your brand can add value within the comfort of peoples’ own homes. For example, if you don’t offer home delivery already, maybe now is the time to try it out.

Especially if your business promotes physical events, or sells services that are delivered in a physical place of business, consider what automated messaging you have in place. In fact, we recommend that all our customers, regardless of business type, review their automation programs and make any appropriate tweaks, to avoid unfortunate messaging. This includes coupons and voucher codes, making sure they are redeemable against online services, for example.

For customers who may not be sure what to do with services they have already booked with you, why not give them an easy way to reach you? This could be through live chat or even SMS. A text straight to their phone will make it easier for them to cancel or modify their upcoming appointments. Receiving cancellations is disappointing, but no-shows will be more costly to your business.

Depending on your business type, and whether modification of services is possible, don’t be afraid to ask loyal customers for their support. Some charitable and state-subsidized enterprises aren’t just offering refunds, but in some cases giving customers the option to convert their purchase into a donation.

Continuity: They’re still your customers, but different

You’ve spent months painstakingly analyzing your customers, understanding what they like, what they don’t, when they convert, and when they won’t. Many people will be asked to work from home, which (despite our best efforts) will undoubtedly mean that some routines will go out the window, or change at least.

With fewer people commuting, we recommend you keep an eye on when and on what device your customers are consuming your content. You may record a change in when people are completing orders. Keep an eye on your reporting and dashboards, and compare recent results to those long-standing behavioral ‘truths’ as you may find opportunities to fine-tune your marketing mix as we adapt to a new (but temporary) normal.

We also recommend a review of your delivery and returns policies. As many of your customers will be getting using to working home more, make it easier for them to have items delivered to their front door. If you currently charge for shipping, consider making it a free service with orders over a certain threshold (if cart size isn’t your strong point, explore product recommendations to surface items they’ll happily add to cart).

Don’t be afraid of going back to ecommerce 101

You may encounter a new kind of customer entering your digital doors, one who is less familiar with shopping online, so sense-check your sign-posting and make it as easy to complete an order. A few ideas to help them overcome traditional barriers to shopping online:

  • Do your welcome programs reiterate the secure payment gateway you have in place? And affirm how easy it is to complete an order online with you?
  • For clothing retailers, are your product pages detailed, could you provide more information on size and fit? Alternatively, you may want to put live chat on your site or on product category pages, so you can assist shoppers in their remote decision-making.
  • Surface product and service review on-site and in your messaging, so they feel confident they can expect a good experience from you, wherever they buy.
  • Like so much around us is in flux, so may your customers’ preferences. Make sure it’s easy for them to find your preference center, and indicate what they want to hear about when.
  • Oh, and did we mention gifs? If all else fails, this is sure to provide a much-appreciated break.

We’re well versed in marketing automation across all industries. Get hands-on advice on cross-channel marketing automation for B2C ecommerce here, and for B2B ecommerce here.

And for all we’re a digital marketing platform, you can still simply speak to us. To discuss your account or any of the above suggestions, just get in touch with your account manager or customer success representative.

If you’re not familiar with Dotdigital, get a glimpse via this quick demo here.

Dotdigital roadmap – paving the way from clicks to customer engagement https://dotdigital.com/blog/dotdigital-roadmap-paving-the-way-from-clicks-to-customer-engagement/ Tue, 18 Jun 2019 23:00:00 +0000 https://dot.tiltedchair.co/dotdigital-roadmap-paving-the-way-from-clicks-to-customer-engagement/ You’re invited to a morning of insight that will help you get the most out of Dotdigital; plus, we’ve set time aside to talk about projects that we’re still working on.

Change is an important part of any successful business, so we thought it would be a good idea to give you some insight into our key roadmap items and how customer feedback influences what we build.

Behind the scenes

In our company’s infancy, we were simply an Email Service Provider – or ‘ESP’ as it is now commonly abbreviated. Although, once you start learning about ramp-ups and deliverability, email doesn’t seem so simple anymore – luckily, we have a dedicated team to help with that!

20 years on, whilst the market has crowded, and its players have converged – we’re still standing strong. Of course, this doesn’t happen unless you have a task force and customer base that are receptive to change.

The change

I’m sure you’ve clocked our rebrand to Dotdigital and I hope you’ve also noticed our change in direction (in terms of what our tech can do). Today, marketers can use Dotdigital to send omnichannel marketing messages to the right audience, at the right time, and on the right channel.

We wouldn’t have come this far had it not been for you. Whether you’re fresh to dotdigital or a long-standing customer that we’ve served for 10+ years, we work extremely hard to understand how you use our platform and what we can do better to help you improve.

The feedback

If you’ve visited our roadmap before, you might have spotted a green tab at the side for feedback and ideas.

We invite anyone, including our thousands of users, to tell us how we can make Dotdigital better. Some great developments have been put in motion thanks to some of the feedback we’ve received – one of which is RFM segmentation (coming soon!).

The future

Besides our public roadmap, we use dotlives, webinars, customer interviews, and other opportunities to gather valuable feedback. You may have even received a beta program invite from one of our product managers; betas are a way for us to get feedback prior to launch whilst giving our customers the opportunity to shape the products they’ll be using in the future.
