It all starts with the next generation

How many times have you been to Pride? I’d say, countless.
Among people that have been doing it since before I was born, the ones I owe so much to, the regulars and the ones that allowed themselves to be there for the first time.

Pride is a day of gratitude, emotions and of course celebration. And yes, people celebrate in different ways. Some like to dance in extravagant outfits on top of moving buses, others (like me) just like to march quietly holding a meaningful sign or t-shirt.
Pride is what you make of it.
My pride celebrates diversity, the right to be and the progress made by our community.
What really moved me this year was seeing few of you bring your children to the parade. It’s to those people I particularly want to say: thank you!
What a great thing to do, take a stand for diversity and inspire the next generation, setting the example. That’s such an astonishing and selfless act which I found simply heart-warming. To show your children that we can walk side by side with those from different paths and to normalize and encourage the right to stand up for equality; it passes on a great lesson.
One day they might have friends, relatives, children come into their lives that may need them to be open-minded. I hope this experience will help them to embrace diversity, be open to feel and be whoever they are without any fear or shame.

I’ve going to leave you with the magic worlds of Hannah Gadsby from her wonderful show ‘Nanette’ currently on Netflix UK.
[…] I believe we could paint a better world if we learned how to see it from all perspectives, as many perspectives as we possibly could.
Because diversity is strength.
Difference is a teacher.
Fear difference, you learn nothing. […]
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