Email Marketing During The Holidays

If you market your product or service to professionals, business owners or entrepreneurs, you may think that holidays like Christmas or Easter (or any other bank holidays for that matter) are not the best times to send out your email marketing correspondence.
However, a recent survey by asked 2,113 UK employees in management roles whether or not they were able to ‘switch off’ quite literally whilst on holiday; the results might just surprise you.
When asked, ‘on your last holiday, did you check your emails on a daily basis?’ a whopping 49% of those taking part confessed that they did.
According to the report, the sectors guiltiest of checking emails whilst on holiday were:
- Business owners
- PR/Marketing
- Sales representatives
- Media
- Legal
So, if any of the above categories feature heavily on your marketing list, perhaps these holiday days present a great opportunity for your business to take advantage of an otherwise relatively quiet inbox.
Top tips for marketing to professionals during the holiday season:
- Embrace the mobile revolution and send only emails optimised for mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets.
- Think of a season-appropriate discount or giveaway that you can offer your recipients. You may have to think a little outside the box to find a connection between your product and Easter, Christmas, Hanukkah or Diwali but trust me, there will be one somewhere.
- Take a leaf out of Google’s book and personalise your logo according to the season. It won’t cost you much and most of your logo revisions can be reused again year in year out; its touches like these that give your customers the warm and fuzzies. Think eggs and bunnies at Easter, elves at Christmas and crowns over the Jubilee weekend.
- Keep your e-mail messages short and sweet and direct your recipients straight to your offers rather than your home page.
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