Father’s Day: email and subject line inspiration

Fathers have a tough time with it. On average, shoppers spend significantly more on Mother’s Day. In the US, shoppers typically spend around $130 celebrating mothers, while spend on fathers usually amounts to about $75. Similarly, shoppers in the UK favor Mother’s Day, spending just over $30 on the women in their lives, while fathers’ gifts average around $14.
Maybe it’s because of the additional investment in advertising around Mother’s Day. Maybe it’s because dads are happy with a BBQ and a beer while mothers like to be pampered.
Whether you buy into this gender stereotyping or not, there’s one thing that’s for certain: Father’s Day is a sales opportunity ecommerce brands can’t afford to miss.
The secret to successful Father’s Day email marketing
It’s time to celebrate Dads. Heartfelt messaging, ingenious gift advice, images, and copy that use humor and show appreciation – it all comes together to persuade shoppers to convert.
1. Subject lines: how to get them right
Subject lines. They’re the Achilles Heel of email marketers. We know how important they are. They can be the difference between a successful email campaign and a disappointing performance.
It’s the first impression subscribers get of your campaign. If it’s not enticing enough to drive them to open, they’re not going to convert any time soon. You need to make your subject lines stand out from the crowd. To do this, think about your benefits, what makes you different, and avoid clickbait and spammy tactics.
Here are some of our top ideas:
- Last chance! Free two-day shipping in time for Father’s Day
- Show dad some love
- We’ve got you covered this Father’s Day
- 20% off Father’s Day special
- Here’s to all the Dads!
- Final hours! Order today for Father’s Day delivery
- Discover the perfect Father’s Day gift
- Let the Father’s Day sale begin!
2. Inspire with a gift guide email campaign
A gift guide is a perfect way to hook an indecisive shopper. It’s a win-win scenario where you are providing value to the subscriber while highlighting your best products.
The goal of this type of campaign is to inspire, so think outside the box.

3. Connect with your audience
Nothing helps close a sale than understanding your audience. And a little tongue-in-cheek humor is a great way to show that you know what appeals to your target market.
They’re called dad jokes for a reason, so get on-board.

4. Be timely and relevant
Timely and relevant content is vital for engaging your readers. Highlighting order deadlines adds a sense of urgency to your email marketing campaign.
Urgency, teamed with clear and actionable calls to action are a recipe for success.

5. Let your personality shine
When you’re fighting to set yourself apart from the competition, don’t be afraid to let your personality show. With brands everywhere fighting to make a sale, demonstrating your brand’s commitment to social and economic issues will have a resounding impact.
Conscientious shoppers look to brands that share their values. Showcasing your dedication to supporting local, national, or international causes will help you build stronger relationships with your customers.

6. Tug on shoppers’ heartstrings
Loyal customers are created when shoppers feel emotional connections with your brand. Better yet, not just the brand, but the people behind the brand.
Businesses that have well-known owners, CEOs, or brand ambassadors can tap into these personalities to create stronger connections with your audience.

7. Show compassion
Father’s Day is not a day of celebration for everyone. For some people in your database who have lost loved ones, especially in the light of the COVID pandemic, receiving Father’s Day emails can be an emotional trigger.
Always remember to be compassionate. Yes, you want to make money, but showing empathy and humanity during the holidays will foster stronger relationships with your audience in the long run.