How to fly the flag in your marketing

June is the month of Pride. With origins in New York in 1970, Pride has grown to become an internationally recognized movement and celebration. Pride is the celebration of those in the LGBTQIA+ community. A community who have suffered, and still do suffer, in both law and societal attitudes across the world. But it’s also so much more.
Pride is no longer just a movement about sexuality – today it represents every minority group that seeks to achieve social equality. Much like feminism and Black Lives Matter, the goal of Pride is the same, for everyone, no matter their sexuality, gender, race, or religion, to be treated fairly and to live freely without fear of persecution.
At Dotdigital, we’re loud and proud supporters of Pride. For us, it’s not just another date in the calendar to demonstrate some corporate activism.
Pride in marketing
1. Make it relevant to your industry
Surfer fashion brand Quiksilver addresses the history of homophobia in surfing culture in this email campaign. The email campaign highlights icons that are working to change this attitude within the sport and look forward. It’s not shying away or burying its head in the sand. By acknowledging and addressing a real issue in its industry, Quiksilver is doing a good job at linking Pride and its brand, something a lot of customers will appreciate.
2. Create a Pride collection
A huge part of pride is being proud. The rainbow is an instantly recognizable symbol of the Pride movement. Levi’s has created a range of products for customers to purchase and wear to show their support. Levi’s is also offering the option to round up your purchase at checkout to donate to an LGBTQIA+ organization. What’s more, the collection is available all year round.
Show your colors this Pride month
Natasha Lainsbury
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