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Jenna Paton

Jenna expertly writes thought-leadership content about cross-channel marketing and customer engagement and manages the creation and execution of Dotdigital's content marketing strategy.

  • Email marketing

    The power of reviews to boost conversion

    Customer reviews are great for your business. They’ll help you get discovered by new customers, sell more stuff, and give you a chance to see what’s working for your business.

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  • Automation

    B2B marketing: 5 email campaigns that generate stronger leads

    Email marketing is the most effective channel for B2B marketers. You can engage prospects, build long-term relationships, and drive conversions simply by calling sending emails. It allows for direct communication between you and your customers as well as delivering a high return on investment.

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  • Email marketing

    Why split-testing isn’t just splitting hairs

    Modern marketers are time-poor at best. While most marketers are juggling five tasks at once, testing your email marketing campaigns can seem pretty low on your list of priorities. We’re here to remind you about the importance of testing and the numerous benefits it can bring to your marketing results.

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  • Automation

    SMS marketing: 8 programs to get started

    Text message marketing allows brands to connect with customers on the go, wherever they are, whenever you need. You can set up SMS automations in a matter of clicks, but which programs should you focus on to get started?

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  • Customer data

    5 tips for creating tempting sign-up forms

    Growing your marketing lists is a key metric marketers use to measure the success of their efforts. As a result, it’s essential to make your sign-up forms as tempting as possible.

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  • Customer engagement

    How to improve key customer touchpoints

    Customer experience (CX) requires a customer-centric mindset and dedication. To deliver truly unforgettable experiences you need to think about more than the obvious customer interactions.

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  • Email marketing

    Smart email marketing means better ROI

    When done right, email marketing can produce an ROI of $42 for every $1 invested. When you use smart email marketing tactics, you can increase your ROI even more.

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  • Automation

    Marketing automation for the financial services sector

    Marketing automation for financial services not only provides existing customers with valuable experiences but also you to target prospective clients with relevant campaigns to help you scale and grow quickly and efficiently.

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  • Industry trends

    What is D2C (direct-to-consumer) marketing?

    Direct-to-consumer (D2C) is fast becoming a popular model for brands looking to enter the market directly, instead of through intermediaries. This is everything you need to know about D2C marketing.

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  • Automation

    Marketing automation: how to start automating emails

    Marketing automation is the most powerful tool at a marketer’s fingertips. It streamlines your work and makes teams more efficient, all while drive profits. But how do we get started with automating our email marketing?

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  • Automation

    First impressions matter most – Why do a welcome program?

    Welcome programs are automated emails sent to new subscribers, customers, and contacts. They’re triggered when an individual signs up to your email marketing or new contacts are uploaded to your CRM. As a result, your welcome program is usually the first interaction you have with a new customer, making them a crucial part of the customer journey. 

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  • Customer engagement

    5 rules to make your emails ‘shareable’

    Making your email marketing content shareable is a great way to improve brand awareness and increase the size of your marketing lists.

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  • Email marketing

    Email marketing: 100 terms you need to know

    Marketing is full of jargon. Email marketing even more so. As email forms a central part of your marketing strategy, it’s important we know exactly what we’re working with and what results we’re looking for. These are our key email marketing terms.

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  • Marketing skills

    6 ways to change your email content

    Generating content for your email marketing is an ongoing struggle for many marketers – especially those teams who act as email marketers and content creators. Producing fresh content send after...

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  • Email marketing

    What is B2B marketing?

    Business-to-business (B2B) marketing is very different than marketing to individual consumers. That’s why B2B marketers have to adopt different marketing strategies to their B2C counterparts.

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  • Automation

    What is ecommerce marketing?

    Every online retail brand wants to increase traffic, conversions, and sales. With so much competition, ecommerce brands need a clear and well-defined strategy to capture and convince website visitors to become repeat customers.

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  • Awards

    dotties connected: shortlist announced

    If you don’t know, now you know: the dotties are back and this year we’re going global.

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  • Marketing skills

    9 best practice tips for optimizing a landing page

    Landing page optimization means improving or enhancing elements on your landing page to increase conversions. An optimized landing page converts visitors by delighting them with unique and memorable experiences.

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  • Email marketing

    3 unforgettable email design tips

    Discover our top tips for designing email marketing customers want to open this holiday season.

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  • Automation

    B2B marketing to existing clients

    Retaining your hard-earned customers is tough. After you’ve working to win over new customers, no one wants to see them slip away. Read on to discover our top tips for customer retention.

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  • Automation

    5 common reasons for cart abandonment (and how you can overcome them)

    A major problem for ecommerce marketers is cart abandonment. An average of 70% of customers abandon carts after adding items. Ecommerce brands lose around $18 billion in sales annually to cart abandonment. But why is it happening, and what can we do to recover that lost revenue?

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